The perfect strike -by Paul Baldacchino during Malta Open

off to Bologna - 'Italy senior open' bowling tournament 2011

Its a new challenge... the senior open bowling tournaments.  I am celebrating my 50th birthday in Bologna this week by taking part in my first senior challenge.  About 180 bowlers are expected to compete for the top 34 slots.  I will give them a hard time.  They will surely give me a hard time because I will be playing scratch whilst all older bowlers will get 1 point bonus for each year over 50. Judging by the tempo of the first squads, i will need to play over 220 average scratch to make the finals.
UPDATE - XIH U SOD! - my two entries (valid for qualification):
204-205-254-233-242-204 = 1341
245-197-225-226-233-227 = 1353    Winners: DidoneFrancesco & Hildegard

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